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13 - 02 - 2022

Types of publicity photography

Types of publicity photography

The purpose of publicity photography is to achieve an image that captures the eye, to make it eye-catching and everyday in a way that does not go unnoticed, to convey a specific idea and thus generate an increased incentive to buy the product.

Publicity product photography

To enhance its aesthetic appeal and arouse the customer's interest, we seek to expose the product in an environment that favours and contextualises it, in order to define its function and enhance its beauty.

Lifestyle photography

Through the use of the environment, props, models and locations, the buyer's attention is attracted, not only by the product itself, but also by what the image conveys, and the product is shown in such a way that the buyer feels more identified with it.

Gastronomic photography

Gastronomic photography would be closely linked to product photography, its intention is to show the product in the most aesthetic and appetising way possible, to arouse the viewer's interest and desire to try it; to experience for themselves what the photograph conveys to them.

Corporate commercial photography

The aim is to explain the company through photography, where you show the workers, the activities that are carried out, the facilities, ... It would be a report where the general atmosphere of the company is shown.
They are usually photographs intended for the company's website or its social networks in order to provide information about the company.

In the following video you can see some examples of types of publicity photography.

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Types of product photography

You can use in neutral background photography, normally for e-commerce photography, and publicity photography. The best option is to use both methods, as each has its own intention.